May 12, 2017

JF983: Joe Will Be on the BiggerPockets Podcast, Mindset, and Deals!#FollowAlongFriday



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Joe Fairless: Best Ever listeners, how are you doing? Welcome to the best real estate investing advice ever show. I’m Joe Fairless and this is the world’s longest-running daily real estate investing podcast. We only talk about the best advice ever, we don’t get into of that fluff. With us today, co-host on Follow Along Fridays, Mr. Theo Hicks. Hello!

Theo Hicks: How’s it going, Joe?

Joe Fairless: It’s going well. Today we’ve got a lot of miscellaneous topics to talk about. Again, if you’re watching via Facebook live, then you can comment below and we’ll get to your question either today or next week, when we do next week’s episode… Because we’ve got a lot of stuff going on for today’s episode.

Some questions… One question in particular from a guest that we wanted to address – let’s roll. How do you wanna structure it, my friend?

Theo Hicks: Let’s starting talking about a couple of things you’ve got going on in your life, that are both business and personal. The first one is the Bigger Pockets podcast.

Joe Fairless: Yeah, I was interviewed last week for it, and 18th May the episode is going live on the Bigger Pockets podcast. It’ll be the first time I was interviewed on that podcast, so check that out when it goes live.

Of course you know what Bigger Pockets is. If you don’t, then go to It’s an incredible resource that you can use… Basically, the world’s largest real estate investor blog, and lots of free content that you can get up and running with real estate investing, so go check that out,, and 18th May… Make sure you subscribe to the Bigger Pockets podcast and listen to that interview. I talk about how I got from making $30,000 as a junior project manager at an advertising agency in New York to now $130,000,000+ worth of real estate. We go in deep in a lot of areas that I haven’t gone deep in before in interviews, so check that out.

Theo Hicks: Congratulations, it’s impressive.

Joe Fairless: Yeah, it’s good stuff.

Theo Hicks: A couple more things that you wanted to mention: YPO and volunteering.

Joe Fairless: Yeah, YPO (Young Presidents Organization) – I read the book… I’m gonna butcher the title, but something like “30 mistakes millionaires have made”, and I read it in 36 hours… The author of that book was in YPO, and that really introduced me to it. I’d heard about it before, and I’d been looking for something in Cincinnati to join that was entrepreneurs and high-achieving individuals, kind of like a mastermind or something, and this looks like it, for sure.

I mention that because if any Best Ever listener is in YPO and has any feedback, then we’d love to hear it., just to get your perspective on being a member of YPO. That’s something I’m very much looking forward to participating in, and we’ll keep you posted on any progress on that.
And volunteering is the other part… Today and yesterday I woke up in really grumpy moods, and there’s no legitimate reason for me to be grumpy. One thing that helps ground me in perspective is volunteering… So if you find yourself waking up in a grumpy mood or being a jerk when you shouldn’t be a jerk, or just feeling sorry for yourself or not grateful, then the solution for me is volunteering.

Specifically, I just started volunteering for a hospice, and earlier today — I won’t get into any details about the individual because you just can’t, nor should you, but going to hospice and interacting and engaging with someone who doctors say is gonna die in six months… It’s just a different experience. It gives you a different perspective in life, and it really should be a mandatory thing that people do at least once, just to gain that perspective, like “Really, if I’m upset about this small stuff, I must think I’m gonna live forever.” People who get upset about small stuff think they’re gonna live forever, and we’re not. We’re only on this earth for a very short amount of time, and we have to help others along the way as we go. So that’s one tip that I have. If you ever find yourself in a rut, then go volunteer; it will give you a different perspective on things.

Theo Hicks: I actually plan on doing a podcast on the exact topic you’re talking about, because this past weekend was my birthday.

Joe Fairless: Happy birthday!

Theo Hicks: Thank you! I was sitting there, kind of thinking about it… I was like, “It’s kind of strange that I only celebrate my birth once a year.” I was just thinking about this [unintelligible [00:07:01].22] and there was something I thought when me and my buddy were talking about it… He said that he looks at birthdays as the day that he won the lottery, because if you think about it, the probability of us being a human being — I think Gary Vayernchuk, I listened to a podcast of his; they calculated that it’s like four hundred trillion to one odds of you being a human being just in general. Not only a human being, but you’re also in America, which is like the top 0.1% of people who’ve ever lived, period.

So essentially, if you’re in America you’ve won — you can’t really call it a lottery ticket, because it’s less odds than actually winning the lottery… But that’s another way to feel grateful. And again, I also wake up grumpy and I have no reason to, and that insight about how if you get mad about small things, you think that you’re invincible and you’re gonna live forever – that’s a very interesting insight. But I just wanted to toss it in there, another way to go about finding ways to express gratitude. [unintelligible [00:07:53].10] for literally anything, because you’re an American and you’re alive in this time.

Joe Fairless: One of the most impressive things that inspires me is when I talk to someone who came to this country not knowing the language, and achieved success, however they define success. My definition of success – most recently, because I was thinking about this – is maximizing your special talent during your time on earth. That’s success. Because we’re all especially talented at least one thing, and usually maybe one thing – if you’re really lucky, two… But if you maximize your special talent while you’re on earth, then I believe through maximization of that special talent that you were given, you’re gonna do good things.

When people come to this country and they don’t know the language and they do achieve success, I find that incredibly inspiring, because there are people here who do know the language and have a network built in and don’t achieve the same level for various reasons.

Theo Hicks: Yeah, and I think that four out of five, or however many of those exclusive video interviews you’ve done so far – I think most of them were immigrants. I know the one that posted this week was, and I think two other ones were… One was from Ireland, someone else was from England, and those were people that achieved massive levels of success.

Joe Fairless: Yeah, one was from Mexico… Yeah, it’s true. And you’re referring to these exclusive interviews; you’re referring to the ones that we’ve uploaded on YouTube that have been the video interviews.

Theo Hicks: Yeah.

Joe Fairless: So you can go to the YouTube channel… What do you search for on YouTube?

Theo Hicks: If you search “Best Ever Show”…

Joe Fairless: “Best Ever Show” on YouTube, then you can see the video interviews that I did.

Theo Hicks: Okay. The investor tour, if you wanted to discuss…

Joe Fairless: The investor tour, yeah… This is a way, if you have investors or want to have investors and just wanna learn best practices, or if you just wanna have really good customer service in general… I wanna talk about what happened recently when I had two of my investors say “Hey Joe, I’d like to go check out these properties that we’ve invested in.” They’ve invested in about four or five of my properties. And I was like “I love that”, because unless an investor is local, they usually don’t — in fact, maybe there’s been one person who’s actually flown to the property and looked at it prior, or even afterwards, just because you’re passive investors and you trust us to do the work and make sure everything checks out, which you should… But it’s also nice to show off our work, and I really like it when investors say “Hey Joe, I’d like to go check out the properties.” “Great, I’d love to set you up a tour.”

I believe if someone else would have received that e-mail from their investor, like “Hey So-and-so, I’d like to go tour these properties”, that person would say “Okay, great. Here are the properties. Let me know what dates you’ll be there, and here are the point people… Enjoy it, and let me know how it goes.”

The next level that I took it – and this isn’t to brag, this is just something that the investors complemented me on, and I recognized that I did go above and beyond, and I do try and do this stuff in all aspects of my business, and that’s why I wanted to mention the example… Instead of just doing the normal approach, what I did was I scheduled the tour; so we have properties in Dallas and in Fort Worth, and I said “Okay, when are you arriving and when are you leaving?” Now I have the timeframes in which I can schedule stuff.

So I said, “If you’re arriving in Dallas, you should go to these properties on this day. Here are the time slots that I scheduled you for. Then I recommend going to Fort Worth on this day, checking out the stockyards, and here’s a link to the stockyards where you can stay, and here’s the time slot for that property.” And I put together a PDF with what they’ll be able to see, which is basically whatever they wanted… What they wanted to see was renovated units, non-renovated units, walk the property and anything else. So I said, “Here’s what the team is expecting to show you, and here’s the time they’ll be waiting for you. Here’s the person name who will be waiting for you, here is their title, here is the company that they work at, here is their LinkedIn bio…” I went on LinkedIn and I got the bio, I linked in (pun intended), so they would have one page, know exactly where they’re going, where they’re supposed to be, who they’re meeting with, the phone number and e-mail of that contact person, and have a LinkedIn bio so they can research that contact person if they choose to do so.

I sent that to them and they’re like, “Joe, you’re awesome.” That was literally the e-mail that got sent back. And that’s the type of stuff that you wanna do if you’re gonna build a portfolio in a short amount of time – go above and beyond and do things that are outstanding. It’s just that little bit extra… I would say what I just described is great, but the outstanding part would be the LinkedIn bio. Not a lot of people would think “Oh, maybe they wanna know who they’re gonna be meeting with. Maybe they wanna see a picture of that person, so they can recognize them when they walk up.” So think through things from the perspective of the person receiving the information or asking for the information; think through what do they really want, and then what would they perhaps want on top of that, and then proactively provide that.

We were just talking about this ten minutes ago. Before we started recording we were doing investor e-mails for our monthly reports, and we were putting together the e-mails; we not only write in what is happening at the property, but we also look at that afterwards and we’re thinking “Okay, what questions might come up as a result of reading this?” and then we proactively address those questions in the same e-mail, 1) to limit the back and forth and the insanity of replying to hundreds of e-mails from investors, but then 2) to save the investor time, because if a question naturally comes up when you read something, then they’re gonna want to e-mail and take time out of their day to then reply to us, and it’s not a good use of their time either, because we should have addressed it in the first place.

So that’s the type of stuff that we’ve gotta do if we’re gonna build businesses in the long run, and do outstanding work instead of just good or great work.

Theo Hicks: Another example that comes to mind of the exact concept you’re talking about was your interview with Mauricio – I can’t remember what his last name is, but he’s a real estate agent in Los Angeles; he’s in one of the videos… I think his business, his company controls 70% of the market share in Los Angeles, which is…

Joe Fairless: 17%, right?

Theo Hicks: 17%, which still is a lot.

Joe Fairless: In terms of, he’s a brokerage.

Theo Hicks: Yeah, he’s a brokerage; he’s got I think 150 agents under him. But he was telling a story about how he got the listing for the Playboy Mansion, which I thought was interesting, and how it sold it for 100 million dollars… And you asked him an obvious question, “How did you get that listing? Because I’m sure everyone wanted that listing.” What he said is he did essentially what you did – he proactively acted as if he already had a listing and went to the… Whatever it’s called when you go and you compete for the listing. He went there with everything completely done.

Joe Fairless: He assumed that he already had it.

Theo Hicks: He assumed that he already had the deal, and he had all the marketing packages done, exactly step by step what he would do to sell the property, and they were so blown away that he won the deal and sold it for a hundred million dollars, and I’m sure he got a pretty nice commission check on that. So it’s kind of the same thing – being proactive. And yeah, I’m sure that might have taken some more effort, but it might have taken maybe half a day or a day to do, but what was that… 3.5 million dollar commission, 3.5%? I think it’s worth half a day of work, a week or work or even a year of work… And that’s that. I thought that was something else that paralleled what you were talking about – just being proactive and thinking ahead of time of “What do they wanna see and what would blow them away if I did this?” and then doing all that for that person.

Joe Fairless: That’s a great example. And when I asked him that, he answered it in a way that it was like “Oh, well I just had all my stuff put together.” It was like “Yeah, Joe, you dumbass, of course, that’s just what I did.” It was obvious to me the way he responded that that’s how he approaches a lot of things, that’s my point.

It was like, “Oh yeah, well I had it all prepared, and I went in with it assuming that I already had it, and I was like let’s just push the green button and let’s make this thing happen. Let’s go, it’s already set up.” You’re acting as though you already have it, and there’s a lot of power in that. 1) There’s a lot of confidence, so people see that you know what you’re doing, you’re confident, and 2) You’ve already got the plan laid out, so there’s less ambiguity. And it’s good to have certainty when you’re trying to select options, and it gives the selector more certainty in that. Yeah, great example, and I’m glad you mentioned that.

Theo Hicks: I can’t think of a segue, so we’ll just jump into it. The half-marathon experience, do you wanna talk about that?

Joe Fairless: Yeah, half-marathon experience… Colleen and I ran a half-marathon last Sunday – the Flying Pig in Cincinnati…

Theo Hicks: A very popular race in Cincinnati.

Joe Fairless: Yes, and I will never do a half-marathon again, and I’ll certainly never do a marathon again… When we were training – you’re supposed to train leading up to the race where I think you run up to 12 miles at one point on a Saturday… Well, we’ve been traveling so frequently – my bachelor party one week in New Orleans, didn’t run then; I went to Miami to meet with investors, didn’t run then; went to Vegas for March Madness, didn’t run then… So we missed all of the long-running days, except for one – there was an 11-mile run, and we ran seven of them, and walked the remaining four miles. So I have never run in my life 13 miles. The most I’ve run was about eight miles.

We finished the half-marathon, and we did not walk… At mile four we stopped to pee, and then after that we ran. So we did not walk at any point, other than to walk to the porta potty and back into the race.

What I recognized is that the first 11 miles of the race, it was all mental. Mile seven and eight was the hardest for me, because I thought we were on the eighth, and then I saw the mile marker coming up and it was seven, and I was like “Oh, man!” But there were a couple mental things that I picked up on along the way, and that’s what I wanna share.

One is that there’s all sorts of signage of people — that’s one of the fun things about doing a half-marathon (or a marathon, I imagine)… There’s people cheering, signs and stuff like “Go you!”, but the sign that resonated with me the most was one that said “You are no longer a runner, you are a marathon runner.” The strongest force in human nature is the one where whatever we identify ourselves as being, that’s how we act. And when I read that sign – this was on like mile two, thank goodness… So I read this and I was like “Yeah, I am a half-marathon runner! I’m not a runner, I’m a half-marathon runner!” and I started acting like a half-marathon runner, and I felt stronger at that point.

The second thing I wanna mention is I have an incantation that I have done over the last year or two, and it’s “I’m a strong, confident, successful and handsome real estate billionaire entrepreneur.” I said that freaking thing ten thousand times perhaps literally during this race. I was just saying it over and over, and it was pretty cool, because I felt pretty powerful when I was saying it.

And then the last few miles were physical. Last two, my legs were falling out from under me and cramping, and I thought my hamstring was gonna fall down on the ground next to me… And I recognized the parallel with business and what we do as entrepreneurs. In the entire race of whatever we accomplish, it really is 80% or 90% mental and getting your mind right and making sure that we’re approaching things correctly, and then 20% or 15% of the mechanics and making sure that you physically can get this stuff done.

Tim Ferriss recently interviewed a guy on running, and it’s so interesting… If all of the sports were in a pool, then everyone would learn how to swim better, right? If every single sport – baseball, football – was in a pool, one of the things that people would do is they’d teach their kids how to swim better. Well, they’re not on the pool, but 90% of the sports require you to run, but yet we don’t teach our kids or ourselves how to run better. We just “Hey, go run.”

It  was really interesting, because there’s parallels to business, as well. What is it about what we do  is the foundation of it all? That’s the psychology aspects of it. Then there’s some mechanics, but the psychology is the majority of what we do, so we’ve really gotta work on our psychology a lot more than what we think we need to, and then the mechanics after that.

Theo Hicks: Yeah, so your brain in your analogy is the pool, or the field, and instead of just — yeah, that’s something I think about a lot… There’s all these different trainings and manuals and textbooks about history and all that stuff growing up in school, but no one ever teaches how to just be a human being, at all. I believe in my school they didn’t teach you that… Or how to think. Psychology, which is something that every single person has in common,  just like the pool analogy. I just think most people don’t even think about, because I didn’t think about it for the longest time either. I just assumed that since I was alive and I was functioning relatively well, I just knew what I was doing. Then I realized, “Wait a minute… There’s a whole other aspect of reality that I’m not paying attention to at all, which is my mind.”

[unintelligible [00:22:05].26] it all comes together, but I think the pool analogy is a very good analogy. I always hate running… I’ve never run more than three miles.

Joe Fairless: Three?

Theo Hicks: Yeah. And we were talking before, I’m going to this interesting run… It’s a six-person team, and you run from Cincinnati to Dayton, and right now my girlfriend is trying to convince me to do that.

Joe Fairless: And how many hours is that driving? An hour and a half probably, driving?

Theo Hicks: It’s probably an hour, because I used to work in Dayton. It’s about an hour drive; 76 miles total.

Joe Fairless: And six people, so on average about 11 or so…

Theo Hicks: 11(ish) miles, but some people do longer, some people do shorter… And you don’t have to run fast, but I’m sure I’m gonna run into the same issues that you ran into, that never ran that long before ever. But if I do it, I’ll come back and I’ll have some analogies as well, probably.

Joe Fairless: Oh yeah, it’s a growth experience. I’ll never do it again, though… I didn’t enjoy it.

Theo Hicks: That’s funny. Okay, so I wanted to also discuss something interesting that one of your podcasts guests – Sam Ovens – said last Sunday. Essentially, in his podcast he outlined the five steps to create a million-dollar consulting program. He’s a consulting coach, and he’s taught multiple people how to create million-dollar consulting firms, and hundreds of people how to create six-figure firms.

He went into the steps, and the first step I thought was interesting; it really resonated with me and I wanted to share it with the Best Ever listeners. Essentially, you can apply it to real estate in general, especially for new people… He was talking about how to pick your niche and what you’re going to actually create your consulting business in. For us, we would do it in real estate investing, but obviously, you don’t want it to just be about real estate investing in general. You need to pick something specific, like maybe large apartment syndication consulting program, someone else might have a fix and flip one… When you’re first starting out, there’s kind of an infinite number of options, and at least I fall into this trap where I’m a perfectionist – I wanna find that perfect niche of investing in general. Do I invest in duplexes? And if I invest in duplexes, do I do C areas for cash flow, or do I do A areas for appreciation? Do I do student housing? How long do I keep them for? If you think that way, it can be very paralyzing.

He was talking about the exact same thing in regards to consulting programs. Essentially, he had this thought experiment where he said “If someone came up to you and put a gun to your head, and you have ten seconds to pick your niche, what would it be? Calm down, pick something, and then start using that.” And he was talking about psychology, how our brains are created to optimize things. We see a problem, and we automatically start thinking about how we solve this problem… Because if we didn’t, we wouldn’t have survived back in the day.

So what he was saying is that you pick a niche – first of all, it’s impossible to pick a perfect niche, but if you pick a niche and start doing it, your brain will sort of optimize within that specific niche. Let’s say you pick duplexes, and start doing duplexes and things aren’t working out or you start having problems – you automatically start to optimize your processes and your systems in order to make it work, and it will millionaires investing in duplexes, and flipping, and multifamily.

You can do really well in any niche, but the hardest part – at least from my perspective  – is just picking one, [unintelligible [00:25:16].00] so I thought that thought experiment — I mean, obviously it’s difficult to know what it would be like actually having a gun to your head, but [unintelligible [00:25:24].17] and if you’re having trouble making any correct decision, whether it’s what you invest in, or whether to get that deal or not get that deal… Obviously, there’s caveats to this, but if you’re paralyzed and indecisive, think what you would do if you had a gun to your head and you had to choose in ten seconds; make that decision, and then trust that you’ll be able to optimize and figure it out along the way.

From listening to almost a thousand of your podcasts, that’s like a consistent theme that a lot of the really successful investors have. They take action – Grant Cardone’s 10x rule – and they figure out later, so to speak. Obviously, there’s caveats to all this, but in general that’s what a lot of them do, and I thought that as an instant thought experiment, I thought that the Best Ever listeners can learn a lot from that.

Joe Fairless: Absolutely. There’s power in being very narrowly focused. We tend to want to jump from thing to thing, because it’s safer to do so, because when you jump from thing to thing you’re not committing to one, and you aren’t held as accountable as you would be if you were just committed to that one thing.

Theo Hicks: Yeah, exactly.

Joe Fairless: It’s just the safer, weak way out. You’re general, and not focused on one thing. One recommendation once you pick your niche is to talk to people who are in it and doing it successfully, and ask them pros and cons of being in this niche. That will give you an idea of what the future holds, and that will help you determine “Are you okay with the cons? Do the pros outweigh the cons?”

Theo Hicks: Exactly. Finally, we will answer a Best Ever listener’s question. Her name is Julianne…

Joe Fairless: Julianne, you sent…

Theo Hicks: …an amazing question. A very detailed question.

Joe Fairless: You sent a question that is as long as one of our book chapters. We’re gonna paraphrase.

Theo Hicks: Essentially, she owns some properties, they are doing well, she’s got good returns, and she’s got a question I’m sure a lot of people have, which is “How do you know when to sell a property?” Her specific question was “What parameters do you use to make the decision to sell an asset? Specifically, at what point do you decide it’s more lucrative to sell, than to keep the property as a rental?” Her example is that if she’s selling a property that could potentially make $90,000 at the sale, and that same property is cash-flowing, in this case, $20,000/year, so it would take around 4-5 years in order for her to make that same $90,000 she could make right now. How do you weigh those two against each other and determine when it makes sense to sell?

Joe Fairless: The short answer is you have to know what your goals are. It depends on you, as a person, what your plan is for the property. I can’t answer it for someone else, because I don’t know what their individual goals are. Are they looking for a large chunk of money to then reinvest in something else via a 1031 exchange, because they’ve identified something? Or are they looking to cash out because a life circumstance happened? I don’t think that’s the case with her, otherwise she would have mentioned “Hey, I need to sell” – then it’s pretty obvious.

Ultimately, you need to know what does success look like for this acquisition, and what am I looking for. And that certainly can change, and probably will evolve over time. I don’t have a clear-cut answer because I don’t know what her goals are. What I would guess, Julianne, is if you knew exactly what your goals were, then you wouldn’t have the question. So really think about what are your goals, what are you looking to accomplish?

I will make an assumption, because I do wanna answer it a little bit more than just saying, “You’ve gotta know what your goals are.” I’m going to assume that you just want to continue to maximize the investment and you don’t need the cash right now. I don’t know if that’s true, but I’m just gonna assume that. If you wanna maximize the investment, then look at other opportunities and do a 1031 exchange. If you can sell it for a good amount of money, then look at other opportunities, do a 1031 exchange into another deal, defer the taxes, the capital gains into the next deal, and you can keep deferring that until you die, and then your kids can too, if you have any. And then their kids can just keep doing that over and over again, so you don’t have to pay those.

And you can keep increasing your size property and the cash flow distributions that come out of it. I will also say that with real estate, the reason why we have a lot of Best Ever listeners, the reason why most self-made millionaires are real estate investors is because time is on our side, and if you don’t need to sell, then don’t sell unless you have a 1031 exchange option to go into. That would be my overarching advice – we don’t want to get into the nasty cycle of flipping properties and then not having something to show for it other than cash. We really do wanna acquire and build a kingdom of properties.

So unless you’re going to 1031 exchange into another deal, I wouldn’t sell just because you have equity in it. If you need to access the equity, then there are ways to maybe refinance it, pull out some equity, or do something else with it.

Theo Hicks: Just to add a little bit more information – she also said that she owns a property outright, and she’s got a mortgage on it. She had a concern about the 20% capital gains tax if she didn’t 1031 it. She also said that right now she can’t find the properties that meet her investment criteria, so 1031 would be out of the picture. So since she owns it outright, maybe the refinance would be a better option. But I guess she can’t find properties anyway, so…

Joe Fairless: Yeah, I forget what the 1031 exchange thing is… Go to, search 1031 exchange and I’m sure this interview will come up – there’s a way to do a 1031 exchange where if you don’t find the property, then you can get out of it. You just search for “1031 exchange”; I wish I knew the episode off the top of my head, but after 1,000 episodes they all blend together.

Go look up “1031 exchange”… The takeaway is there’s some sort of safeguard against selling it and not identifying the property, and still having some sort of opportunity. I interviewed a person about this and we talked about it in detail relatively recently. Or just do a refinancing, pull out some equity and then go get something else.

The beautiful thing about doing cash-out refinances is that money is not taxed, because it’s equity that you’ve already built in the property, so it’s your money. It was a beautiful surprise whenever I didn’t know that and I’d get a cash-out refinance on my first single-family house three and a half, four years ago.

Theo Hicks: Yeah, whenever you realize you don’t have to pay tax on certain things, it’s like “Oh, really? I’ve gotta do this! It’s crazy!” This is so rare.

Joe Fairless: Yeah. Alright, good stuff. Well, Theo, where can the Best Ever listeners get in touch with you?

Theo Hicks: You guys can check out my podcast, and I’ve started a YouTube channel. All that information is on

Joe Fairless: And Best Ever listeners, if you wanna read the transcription of this, then go to and you’ll be able to read through that. I’m proud of that, because it’s another way that we can go back and reference episodes, because so many of these episodes are coming out so quickly, and if you didn’t have a chance to take notes on something, then you just go to and find that episode and you just read the transcript. We’ve started doing that about a month or so ago. So a month ago, plus moving forward we’ll have that.

I think that’s everything, so I hope you have a best ever weekend, and we’ll talk to you soon!

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