June 13, 2016

JF650: How an Appraiser Levels Up to Control $8 MM in Portland Real Estate

He was just about to purchase a car wash to convert it into a food truck lot. Only in Portland Oregon! Today’s guest was an appraiser and has worked the real estate investing field for some years now with his partner. They control over 8 million in real estate assets and allow for a select few to invest with them. Hear his show and how he creatively structures deals!

Best Ever Tweet:

Mike Nuss Real Estate Background:

– Licensed appraiser
– Controls over $8,000,000 in real estate
– Owner/Founder of Rare Bird Real Estate
– Based in Portland, Oregon
– You can reach him at myrarebird.com

Listen to all episodes and get a FREE crash course on real estate investing at: http://www.joefairless.com

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