April 19, 2020

JF2056: Scaling a Business Nation Wide With Eachan Fletcher #SkillsetSunday

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Eachan founder and CEO of Nestegg, a platform for property management and maintenance that makes being a landlord refreshingly easy. Eachan is a returning guest from episode JF1980, where he shares the ways technology can make your property management easier. In this episode, he is going to share how you should best go about scaling your business to be nationwide.


Eachan Fletcher Real Estate Background:

  • Founder and CEO of Nestegg, a platform for property management and maintenance that makes being a landlord refreshingly easy
  • Worked as the CTO and VP of product at Expedia where he built and led multiple teams, developed award-winning products
  • Has been interviewed previously on the show, that episode will release on February 3rd, 2020
  • Based in Chicago, IL
  • Say hi to him at https://nestegg.rent/ 
  • Best Ever Book: anything written by Steven Pinker

Best Ever Tweet:

“There’s a difference between getting bigger and being scalable.” – Eachan Fletcher

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