Who They Are
Founded in January 2013, Women Steering Business is a nonprofit group out of Fort Worth, TX, of civic-minded business leaders who are dedicated to developing future female business leaders. They do this by funding livestock sales from young women who use the proceeds to advance their own education and vocational opportunities.
Members of the organization are diverse, ranging from young women just starting their careers to successful entrepreneurs, corporate executives, and retirees. What they have in common is a desire to help future female leaders pursue their educational and vocational dreams.

What They Do
Women Steering Business is the second largest sponsor of the Fort Worth Stock Show and Rodeo and the Junior Sale of Champions. To date, the support of their members has resulted in the purchase of the Reserve Grand Champion Steer (2015) for $150,000, the Reserve Grand Champion Steer (2016) for $170,000, and the Grand Champion Steer (2017) for $240,000 which tied the record. WSB has raised over a million dollars and supported the scholarships of 21 young ladies with an average purchase price of $17,488.
Each year, from mid-January through the 1st Saturday in February, youth by the thousands gather to show their livestock and compete for the opportunity to sell them at auction. Along with other buying groups, Women Steering Business will have their eye on hardworking young ladies in particular, whose 24/7, 365 days a year commitment, dedication and discipline has brought them to the Grand Event called “The Jr. Sale of Champions”.

How You Can Help
Our $1,000 donation will go towards the sale day where the money is given to one of the young ladies showing their steer!
If you would like to find out more information about this awesome non-profit or contribute to their cause, please click on the link below.