Best Ever CRE Blog

The New Rules of Real Estate Investing

Written by Best Ever CRE Team | Aug 17, 2021 8:00:48 AM

Like most endeavors, real estate investing comes easier to those who are willing to change with the times. Whether you’re dealing in commercial real estate or multifamily homes, it’s important to utilize the best new strategies in the game. Adopting tactics from decades ago will deny you the opportunity to maximize profits. If you really want to make the most of your career as a real estate investor, you’ll have to take the newest rules to heart.

Going Door to Door

Knocking on doors to speak with people in person might seem like a tactic from the past, but it’s still the most effective way to reach out to potential sellers. While the basic concept remains the same, there are definitely modern insights to consider when deciding how to frame these difficult conversations. Tweaking your strategy to align with contemporary expectations will bring significantly improved results.

Persistence is Everything

Knocking on doors is always going to be a low-percentage play. Even the best communicator in the world is turned down more often than not. This means you’ll have to get used to overcoming near-constant rejection. Try to focus on the big picture, always remembering that a single success will offset all the minor failures. Keep your head up and knock on as many doors as you can.

Start a Genuine Dialogue

While it’s important to cast your net as widely as possible by knocking on lots of doors, it’s also vital that you adjust your strategy to maximize your success rate. The best way to get potential sellers on your side is by starting a genuine, heartfelt conversation. Invite them to share their concerns and avoid taking an authoritative stance.

Be Relatable

You need people to trust you, and that will only happen if they think you’re on their side. This means you need to be warm, friendly, and relatable. Take on the tone of a neighborly advisor rather than that of a pushy salesperson. You might not be able to become their best friend during a five-minute conversation, but you can certainly project kindness, empathy, and goodwill.

Maintaining a Positive Attitude

A career in real estate investing is rarely straightforward and never boring. When you’re working with a volatile market and capricious individuals, sudden changes in fortune are inevitable. To maintain success in such a chaotic field, you’ll have to maintain a certain strength of character. Just a few adjustments to your attitude should be enough to preserve the equanimity you’ll need.

Don’t Dwell on Negative Circumstances

In the world of real estate investing, there are always some factors that exist outside of your control. Take, for example, the market crash of 2007–2008. Investors of that period had no power over the market’s sudden collapse. Even during the worst of the crisis, there were still commercial real estate deals to be made and multifamily homes to be rented. The investors who were best able to cope with the hardships of the recession were those who chose to ignore the circumstances altogether. Complaining will never get you anywhere, while optimism and perseverance can help you overcome even the most formidable obstacles.

Learn to Accept Unavoidable Challenges

When a sudden hardship like a market downturn destabilizes your plans, try to see it as a challenge that could pay off in the long run. You can’t change the circumstances, but you can work around them. You’ll likely become a more talented, versatile investor in the process.

Familiarizing Yourself With Unconventional Methods

As with any financial activity, new methodologies and techniques are constantly developing in the world of real estate investing. If you’re unaware of these novel practices, you might find yourself at a competitive disadvantage relative to other investors. If, on the other hand, you master these new techniques, you can use them to your benefit. Knowledge is always among a real estate investor’s most valuable assets.

Rent-to-Own Real Estate

While this method has been around for many years, it’s especially important to master in today’s real estate market. Many people aspire to homeownership but don’t have the finances for immediate purchase. Negotiating a rent-to-own deal is a great way to invite would-be buyers into the process while finding sellers a long-term plan for meeting their objectives. In real estate, matching buyers to sellers is often the name of the game. Rent-to-own deals provide another way to do that.

Owner-Financed Deals

Owner financing is another great way to bring buyers into the fold. When prospective homeowners don’t have the financial means to take on a mortgage, the seller can finance the sale instead. By offering interest rates higher than a typical mortgage and including a balloon payment in the negotiation, the seller creates a worthwhile deal. The buyer, meanwhile, gains the homeownership they otherwise wouldn’t have been able to afford. This creative tactic effectively pairs eager buyers with determined sellers.

Securing Larger Down Payments

Whenever you’re selling properties or working with someone who is, it’s in your interest to secure the largest possible down payment. Many buyers are reluctant to put too much money down at the beginning, but there are plenty of clever ways to raise the initial figure. Clever investors can structure down payments in accordance with a buyer’s specific circumstances. Some buyers, because of their work schedule, might be able to contribute more to a down payment during a certain part of the year. Others might receive a significant refund during tax season that they could then put towards a payment. Taking these factors into account can help land you a higher down payment. Make a point of talking with buyers to see what works for them, and don’t be afraid to get creative. When it comes to securing higher payments, a little flexibility goes a long way.

Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this blog post are provided for informational purposes only, and should not be construed as an offer to buy or sell any securities or to make or consider any investment or course of action.