Gary is returning to the show to bring some more value for us. We’ll be focusing a lot of the conversation on mindset. In today’s market, it’s important to expand your skill sets, knowledge, and mentality, in order to get ahead of any competition. If you enjoyed today’s episode remember to subscribe in iTunes and leave us a review!

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“If there is no vision or plan, you end up in the same cycles” – Gary Boomershine

Gary Boomershine Real Estate Background:


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Joe Fairless: Best Ever listeners, how are you doing? Welcome to the best real estate investing advice ever show. I’m Joe Fairless, and this is the world’s longest-running daily real estate investing podcast, where we only talk about the best advice ever, we don’t get into any of that fluffy stuff. With us today, Gary Boomershine. How are you doing, Gary?

Gary Boomershine: Joe, a pleasure being on here again. I love what you do, and I’ve been following you forever, so it’s just a blast… And I’m really excited to deliver some great value to all of your loyal listeners.

Joe Fairless: Yeah, I’m looking forward to it as well. Gary founded in 2005, out of the need to scale and grow his real estate investing business and home buying business. He noticed an opportunity to leverage people, process and technology to gain a leg up in changing the competitive marketplace. He actually just got back from a mastermind in Mexico with some real estate entrepreneurs and has some things he wants to share with us that would add value if we implement them to our business. Based in San Francisco, California. With that being said, Gary, do you wanna just give a refresher on your background and then let’s talk about the latest and greatest stuff that’s going on?

Gary Boomershine: Yeah, for sure. I love this niche. I grew up in an entrepreneurial family. I was a licensed agent, we had a real estate brokerage, and my parents were buying rental houses in San Francisco back in the ’70s and ’80s. Literally, two weeks after turning 18 I was a licensed agent.

Joe Fairless: Wow.

Gary Boomershine: 1987… I’m kind of dating myself. I’ve just turned 50. I did that, paid for college by cold-calling and door-knocking, and open houses, and all that stuff. But I got a computer engineering degree… I really was not thinking about technology, I was thinking about Silicon Valley and the whole startup world. So I did computer engineering, got a degree, and then I went to actually the largest consulting firm in the world (technology consulting), called Accenture. I did that, and then a bunch of super well-funded startups on the sales side, where I moved and I was selling 500 to 5 million dollar software packages…

But it was really 2004 my wife and I decided “Hey, let’s go back to what we know”, and got really passionate… So 2004 I went full-time real estate, and I never looked back. I bought and sold hundreds and hundreds of houses. I do a lot of private lending today, and taking advantage of the current market, doing some wholesale flips and some creative deals…

I live brick and mortar. I know you do too, Joe. You look around — I was in San Diego a couple weeks ago, presenting, and I told everybody, I’m like “Look around… There’s more product right in front of us than any other industry, and there’s more money to be made if it’s done right…” But it is a real business, and you really do need to do it right. Once you do it, it’s a lifetime of wealth and generational wealth… So I love this industry, and I love the people in it. There’s a lot of good people.

So my wife and I decided to do full-time real estate on the investing side, and I bought north of 500 houses. I’ve done apartments, I do a ton of lending today… With this current cycle I’m most passionate around wholesaling, because if you can control the deal flow, there’s a lot of money to be made. And I’m not huge on tenants — I live in California, so it’s hard to actually hold property long-term, so I don’t do it here in California… But it’s awesome.

And then on the side, as you mentioned, I built a company… Most people know us as REIvault. We do a massive, massive amount of direct mail, and outbound cold-calling. I have an agency or a service for other investors, where we’re managing all their marketing, their lead generation, their cold-calling for them, so that all they have to do is go on appointments that we pre-schedule for them. I’ve been doing that — I think we’ve sent out over 30 million pieces of direct mail.

Joe Fairless: Holy cow.

Gary Boomershine: Yeah, ain’t’ that crazy?

Joe Fairless: That is crazy. I wonder if you put them all in a room, how big that room would be…

Gary Boomershine: Yeah… [laughs] It’s pretty funny, we have about 250 top-producing investors and agents using our service today… And it’s interesting, because I’ve moved into the real estate agency world as well, because a lot of them are buying properties, and they’re competing with Opendoor and Offerpad. So I have the number one team for Berkshire Hathaway… They’re in Omaha; they did over 700 transactions the last year just on the agency side… So they’re using us as their off market direct-response team and cold-calling. That’s Jeff Cohen, and number 43 top-producer for Keller Williams.

So it’s really cool, because being able to bring on people that are really doing this business in large scale, we’re able to find out what works, and change with the market. The market is different today than it was two years ago.

Joe Fairless: You mentioned prior to us recording that you just got back from a mastermind in Mexico with, I believe, some of these individuals you’ve mentioned. One, how did you get involved in the mastermind, and two, what value do you get out of it?

Gary Boomershine: Great question. I’m actually involved in nine masterminds, believe it or not.

Joe Fairless: Wow! You pay for all nine?

Gary Boomershine: Actually, I do.

Joe Fairless: How much do you invest per year on masterminds?

Gary Boomershine: Whatever I invest, it’s a massive ROI. The masterminds are anywhere from $5,000 to – I’ve got one that I’m involved in that’s $50,000/year. It is the easiest check for me to write. I’ll give you a couple of examples. If anybody follows my podcast, I’m  a huge believer, as business entrepreneurs, in being with like-minded people; people that are smarter than you. So I try to go to places and hang out with people that know more than me and inspire me… And that’s had a huge ROI.

And then number two is really good CEO coaching. One-on-one CEO coaching. There’s not a professional in this world – sports, musician, weightlifter – that doesn’t have a personal coach. So that’s a huge one.

The one that I love the most – it’s called The Multipliers Mastermind. It’s all A+ players, all seven and eight-figure people in the real estate niche… But it’s so much more than business. We talk real stuff, we bring our wives… It’s actually on the beach. So there’s 40 or 50 of us sitting on the beach, we work out  in the morning… And then we’re talking about real stuff [unintelligible [00:07:28].10] Because real estate I think is actually pretty easy when you’ve been doing it for a while, but it’s how do you balance that and life? How do we keep our marriages intact, how do we be leaders in our family?

I’ll  tell you man, I was a workaholic, Joe… I could go off on this topic alone… I think having balance and learning… A real estate investor – Warren Buffet said this – is somebody that has money, and they buy and they hold. They’re a passive investor. So most people that are wholesaling, fix and flip, rehabbing, where it’s a single transaction – that’s a business; that’s not a real estate investor… And all businesses need CEOs. So if you’re sitting there, doing $10/work, I always say you’re gonna have a $10 bank account. And I think it’s really easy for many of us to get trapped into the rabbit wheel when we really got into real estate for the freedom, the time and the money, the family, being able to contribute in a bigger way. So that’s why I do masterminds…

My wife came, and it was incredible for our marriage. We are coming  up on 25 years, and…

Joe Fairless: Congratulations.

Gary Boomershine: Yeah, thanks. So yeah, I’m involved in that, I’m involved in Kent Clothier… He has Boardroom. I was part of Collective Genius for years, Jason Medley… Those are all seven-figure guys and gals. Brad Chandler was in there, and Billy Alvaro… So just being with people that are real, that can help us with our blind spots… Because there’s a lot of — I call it the 8 or 12 trapped doors in real estate. You go through the wrong door; it could be a massive rabbit hole. So I hang out with those people that say “Hey, what’s working, and who do I talk to, and how can I shorten my time to market?”

Joe Fairless: How do you allocate your time to nine masterminds?

Gary Boomershine: Well, this was not something I created, but I have the rule – it came from a CEO coach – of 5/10/3. So I wake up at five – I used to have massive time issues; I was late for meetings, I never felt like I could keep up… I was a workaholic; I’d work weekends, nights, holidays, traveling, vacations… I was always working, at the cost of my kids and my wife. So I have a coach that said “Gary, how did people that have massive businesses… Like the head of General Electric, Jack Welch – they have the same 24-hour day. You’ve gotta think like a CEO.” So the first one was 5/10/3.

I wake up at 5 in the morning, I don’t start my business day until 10. That gives me five personal hours. I journal, I read scripture, I don’t look at email, I don’t look at Facebook… It’s all personal time. I clean the kitchen and do my acts of service for my wife; I make her coffee, I leave the coffee, I go and I work out… And then, during those five hours, I come up with my One Thing – it’s not my three things; this came from Gary Keller…

Joe Fairless: Yeah.

Gary Boomershine: I started with one thing, and over the last two years I’ve been able to do [unintelligible [00:10:15].22] my one thing that’s gonna move the marker today in the business. And then my three hours – the 5/10/3… The three are the three hours that I’m truly gonna put my horsepower into this business to move the marker… And then I’ll look at email and do other things. So I’m able to do everything that I need to do in three hours. So that was number one, that was a life-changer.

Number two is we’ve implemented Traction. We’re a huge — Gino Wickman has a book called Traction. I know you’ve heard of it, and your listeners…

Joe Fairless: Of course.

Gary Boomershine: Yeah, all of us. But we are a huge Traction — I have Andy Taussig, he’s a coach out of Virginia; I hired him, he’s been with us for four years… And he literally flies in almost like our board, and he runs our meetings. So I’ve got almost 90 people now working for me, for and on the real estate side… And we’re distributed, we have no office. So what I do is once a quarter we rent a big, fat house, I fly in the management team… We’ve been to Hawaii, we do it in cool places.. And then we basically follow EOS of putting together — looking at how we did on our rocks… And we do a hotseat… We just follow the process and preset of exactly what we need to do for the next three months, and then we execute to that. That’s been a game-changer.

I’ve got a lot of people in REIvault that have come in and we’ve kind of gotten them on that track as well, which has really been fantastic.

Joe Fairless: What are the three things for today that you came up with?

Gary Boomershine: My three things today were working on closing an office building right here in my town… It actually has a gym. I’ve found it because I actually have a new personal trainer, and he used to own the gym in this building, so we’re in the process of working to make a creative offer. A deal just fell out — the seller is super-motivated and a deal just went sideways, so we’re gonna see if we can get owner financing on it… So that was number one.

And number two is to reach out to Chris Arnold, who runs Multipliers, and get on the phone with him. We recorded a video for everybody in the mastermind… I’ll give a little giveaway; the best leads, we’re seeing the absolute best — like, the crappiest leads that all of us have, that we’ve passed on, that were deals that we passed on, were sellers that said they’re not interested – we are crushing it off of working those old leads. I just did it with Chris Arnold. In one week, our team ended up connecting with 1,200 sellers. We’ve got 62 real opportunities, and they already put one deal under contract and they’ve got three more right behind it, off of one week, just working the worst, crappy leads.

So for all your listeners that do direct mail and cold-calling, some of the absolute best leads, or the people that you’ve already talked to, that you’ve probably missed, and they’re sitting in — maybe you have a phone system like CallRail, or Podio, or FreedomVoice, or whatever it might be, those leads are gold. So we’ve just walked through those numbers…

The other thing that we’re finding – the market is changing, it’s more competitive around direct mail… So what we’re finding is you’ve gotta tighten up your sales skills. This is not an order taker market anymore; it’s really being able to make multiple offers to sellers and be a lot more relentless on fine-tuning the sales process… And people that do that are crushing it right now, and others are actually finding that their businesses are not doing as well as they were two years ago. Anyway, that was the second thing on my top three…

And the third was a family issue. I’m taking them for Labor Day – we’re gonna do fly fishing in Montana, so it was a personal thing.

Joe Fairless: Oh, cool. Good stuff.

Gary Boomershine: Yeah.

Joe Fairless: So you’re very intentional about what you focus on… And I’m still trying to reconcile how I would spend from 5 AM to 10 AM… Because this is 5 AM to 10 AM – no business, right?

Gary Boomershine: No business.

Joe Fairless: I don’t know what I would do from 5 AM to 10 AM. I heard what you said; you said you journal, read Scripture, clean the kitchen…

Gary Boomershine: I work out…

Joe Fairless: And you work out. Okay, so there’s one hour… But still, that’s a whole lot of time. Can you break down those five hours in terms of what percentage time goes where?

Gary Boomershine: I would probably say I’m two hours in the gym.

Joe Fairless: Okay.

Gary Boomershine: I’m a fitness nut, primarily because I hit 50 — my wife calls it my mid-life crisis, but I’m definitely into health and wellness… So I just find I’m a better human being, I’m better with my team if I’ve gotten cardio in. So there’s two hours.

Then probably a good hour-and-a-half of journaling and scripture… And my journal is really interesting. What I find is that when I’m actually writing my thoughts down on paper I don’t even have to go back and look. It’s the mental kind of focus on what I’m thinking and where I need to go.

A week ago I redid my perfect day. I went and I looked at a couple years ago — well, actually in 2009 I started this; it was Frank Kern… You remember, but I put together — I was very unhappy, I was about 45 pounds heavier… I wrote my perfect day, and it was night and day. So I’m definitely very much closer… So I went a week ago in that time, and  I said “You know what, I’m actually gonna look at that and refine it, and just make sure that it’s still congruent to where I’m heading…”

Let’s see, what else do I do… My wife and I have our own — we took Traction and we actually implemented it ourselves for our family. There were some things on there that I was kind of working — we are working on a family calendar, and being more intentional on that… Anyway, just interesting things.

Also, I’m about ready to record a video; I think as leaders in our family and our businesses, one of the things I’ve found is that being an initiator is a characteristic… And what I’ve found is I’m an initiator in my business, but I’m not in my personal life. I’m not the one that reaches out to friends, saying “Hey, let’s get us together.” I’m usually the one waiting for somebody…

So those are the types of things that I’m able to do. And I’ve found that doing that, the businesses are healthy, and I’m healthier, and I’ve got happy people on the team.

And then for the listeners that are solopreneurs, Joe, I would just say be really intentional with where you’re heading… Because if you don’t really know where you’re heading… Because I did this for years. I wish I’d had this information years ago… But just knowing where you’re heading and what you want life to look like will give you a trajectory. If there is no vision or plan, you really end up in the same cycle that you’re in today. This really is the Albert Einstein insanity definition, of repeating the same thing and expecting a different result.

So that’s really helped, and  I journal around that. I journal around “Where do I wanna go? What do I wanna be doing?” I’m not a big, high-volume real estate guy, as an example. I have no interest in doing hundreds of deals a year, or hundreds of deals  a month. I’m more around the time, around having the time… And then it’s all about more of my time. I’m deal-splitting with some people around the country, where I’m playing like their VP of sales… And I’m doing it really because I love it. I’ll get on the phone for 15 minutes and renegotiate a deal. I have Tyler and Jennifer in Dallas, and I might take a small percentage of their profits for deals that I make money for them, but… If they lost a deal, the deal went sideways, then I get on the phone with the seller and I revive it. I spend 15-20 minutes doing what I’m good at, on a $40,000 deal that went sideways, and then they win, I win, and it’s a good ROI on my time.

Joe Fairless: Sure.

Gary Boomershine: That’s the type of stuff that I’m enjoying, if that makes sense. I’m also very ADD, so I do have to be involved in lots of things… [laughs]

Joe Fairless: Well, but I would say the focus of the five hours in the morning though – in my mind that’s almost like anti-ADD, because you’re doing one thing for an extended period of time, like journaling… When you journal, what is the process, and is it in a Word document, or…?

Gary Boomershine: It’s a physical piece of paper… First off, I write like a doctor. It’s so illegible that I usually can’t even read it. So I write down thoughts. REIvault — I bought like hundreds and hundreds of journals… You know, the little booklets that I can give out to our members, and stuff… So I have probably like 7-8 of those. And I just pull one up, and I open up a page, and I just write. I’ve been trying to do it on an iPad… I got a new pen-based iPad, but it’s not working for me as well just to journal.

So I’m writing down thoughts… I really don’t go back to it, but I do find that I have action items, things that are actionable that will come onto that piece of paper. Then usually I’ll highlight and say “Okay, these are the things that I definitely wanna put into action.”

Joe Fairless: For anyone who does not journal, what would you say – if you can say – is the ROI from a  business standpoint you receive as a result of journaling?

Gary Boomershine: It’s so high… It’s not even measurable. It’s actually a life-changing — I was a workaholic, probably like a lot of us in this business; it’s easy to get a little lost… So I have found that journaling… It’s also — you think about it, it’s like “You’ve gotta read it, you’ve gotta hear it, and you’ve gotta write it.” So that’s one of the reasons why I journal… And kind of getting clarity of thought.

I think the journaling for me has grounded me, it’s given me more clarity… Our business — we have no fire drills; if you talk to our team in the Philippines, in India, in Mexico, here in the States – there’s no fire drills. I used to always — the whole team would be running on fire drills; a lot of us. I have lots of skills from my business background, but when I started  my own business it was very chaotic. And what I’ve found is as a leader — there’s a guy, his name is Ed Thomson; he said “You’ve gotta fix yourself before you can fix your business or your people.” And I’m like “Gosh, that’s so valid.”

So  if we’re chaotic, and we’re scramble-brained, and we’re running  on fumes, and going left, going right, and then changing direction every hour, your team is gonna be like that as well. So I’ve found that journaling helps round me, it allows me to give clarity of vision to the  people that I lead. And I think nurturing the people, especially if we’re active real estate business owners, either with a team or planning to have a team, being able to leverage people is just as important as leveraging money.

We all think about leveraging money for real estate… Well, leveraging people is as important, if not more. Being able to have somebody working for $10-$20/hour, and you’re maybe able to make $200/hour off of them. Instead of you doing it, if you run the math, that saves probably — it could be 500 hours a year, ten weeks, for some people, just having somebody do that work.

So I find that journaling allows me to come into those perspectives… Again, I just write it down. Sometimes I do it where I’ll draw triangles, or circles… It’s crazy. So I do that, and I try to spend at least an hour, an hour-and-a-half doing that, of the day. Some days I’m off. I find that every single day you kind of have to restart… But I do those things — that 5/10/3 rule has made a big impact.

And I’ll tell you another thing… I hung out with Intuit; it has Quickbooks… Massive company. I talked to the senior vice-president; I actually skied with him. A friend of a friend. He’s the senior vice-president and does all the recruiting for Intuit. Hires over 10,000 people a year, and all their executives. And he told me — because I was telling him about this, and he said that most CEOs or executives in Intuit in Silicon Valley do the same thing. He said it’s all about balance. Because the CEO is really like the captain of a plane; they have to be healthy. And if you’re working 100-hour weeks, it’s not a best practice. It’s working and being very intentional. So hopefully that helps…

Joe Fairless: Very helpful.

Gary Boomershine: Maybe I went off on a little bit of a tangent when talking about real estate…

Joe Fairless: Well, it’s all connected, right?

Gary Boomershine: Yeah.

Joe Fairless: That’s the thing that I had a challenging time understanding when I was starting out, and the more I got into real estate and being an entrepreneur, the more I realized that it starts with the mindset, and then everything else filters from there. You’ve gotta have a strong body, you’ve gotta have a strong mind, and then you have a strong business… So thank you for that.

Taking a giant step back, what’s your best real estate investing advice ever? It can certainly be along the lines that we were talking about; it doesn’t have to be transactional-based.

Gary Boomershine: I would say number one remember Robert Kiyosaki defined the definition of wealthy. Most of us got in this business by reading Rich Dad, Poor Dad. I know I did, I know most of the people that  I’ve come across did… Robert Kiyosaki said the definition of wealthy is when your passive income – meaning mailbox money – you can be anywhere in the world, but your passive income is greater than your expenses. That’s the definition of wealthy, that’s what gives you the freedom. And most people that I know got lost. They’ve created a job and they’re very focused on having ten million dollars, or 100 million dollars in their bank account. It’s a constant moving target.

In reality, it’s a fairly small number. Most of us, if you had all the toys and vacations, covering your mortgage and stuff, it’s probably like $15,000-$20,000 a month is really what most of us need. So you really only need a certain monthly number… So really focusing on that as the end game financially, as opposed to “I do 200 deals/wholesale flips a year…” Because at the end of the day it’s the money in your bank account, not about your top-line revenue… And your lifestyle. If somebody is basically dead, but they’re able to do 120 deals a year – you’re not gonna be remembered. And especially by your family.

Number two is — I was at that shareholder event for Warren Buffet a month ago in Omaha. It was awesome… But he said “We just Keep It Simple, Stupid.” It was KISS. Keep It Simple, Stupid. And I think  a lot of us over-architect the business. It’s  really just a marketing and a sales business; it’s finding deals, buying them right, and then selling them right. Or if you’re holding for the long haul…

He also said “Buy low, sell high, don’t lose investor money, and don’t break the laws. Follow the local laws.” He goes “That’s what we do.” And Berkshire Hathaway is hundreds of billions of dollars in assets. And I think there’s so much wisdom to that…

So those are the three things that I would share, that I think are very real for everyone of us in this business.

Joe Fairless: Very powerful. Thank you for that. We’re gonna do a lightning round. Are you ready for the Best Ever Lightning Round?

Gary Boomershine: Absolutely.

Joe Fairless: Alright. First, a quick word from our Best Ever partners.

Break: [00:25:28].23] to [00:26:06].16]

Joe Fairless: What’s the most challenging business experience you’ve come across to date?

Gary Boomershine: Partnerships. Actually partnering with other people in a partnership, especially when we’re not equally yoked. That’s been the biggest challenge. Not even on the real estate side… It’s just making decisions in a partnership where we’re not in unity.

Joe Fairless: What’s a question you would ask someone, knowing what you know now, in order to mitigate the risk of a bad partnership, or one where you’re not aligned?

Gary Boomershine: Well, equally yoked…

Joe Fairless: I don’t even know what that means, equally yoked.

Gary Boomershine: Yeah, do we have the same set of core values?

Joe Fairless: Okay.

Gary Boomershine: And core values to me – if you have the same core values, there’s the chance of partnership. The other one is what specific single roles are we gonna play? “You’re gonna do this and I’m gonna do this…”, and you get that right. Alignment of core values.

Joe Fairless: What’s the deal that you lost the most money on?

Gary Boomershine: It was a retail office building in California that I had under contract for 1.2 million, with owner financing… And it had a value of about 8.5 million, and all I needed to do was an HVAC and get it rented. It was a smoking, smoking deal. Totally creative, zero interest financing… I brought somebody in who ended up actually being investigated by the FBI… And I found out 11th hour – my attorney said “You should walk from the deal.” He gave me some reasons why — I didn’t do the background on my partner. That’s the other one – do background research.

Joe Fairless: So was that opportunity cost, or you lost dollars?

Gary Boomershine: Oh no, I put a couple thousand bucks into it. It was definitely opportunity cost. That was the biggest error. And I’ll tell you one other one… It was an apartment that I picked up, but I didn’t bring the right property manager in soon enough, so it turned  into a meth lab. It was another bad deal…

Joe Fairless: That’s bad for business.

Gary Boomershine: [laughs]

Joe Fairless: And their surrounding neighbors, should it go up in flames… On the FBI thing, what research would you do now, knowing what you know, for future deals?

Gary Boomershine: Well, I could have just typed into the internet the guy’s name.

Joe Fairless: Oh, okay. It was already public.

Gary Boomershine: It was already public. There was actually an indictment for the guy. He ended up doing four years in jail.

Joe Fairless: Got it. Well, if he’s out now, maybe you can partner up with him again. [laughs]

Gary Boomershine: Yeah.

Joe Fairless: What’s the best ever way you like to give back to the community?

Gary Boomershine: I constantly think about that… I do this thing, it’s called Work is Worship. We’re bringing this into REIvault, with all of our members. It’s almost like Amazon, for leaders, but more of a faith-based message of really how to be great leaders. So that’s one.

We do Angel Tree every year, which is something I’m really passionate about… Serving is a big deal. Actually, my wife and I have that on the list of things we’re not doing enough of. As a core value, our fifth core value is a heart for giving and a heart for growing, and we’re actually realizing “You know what, we’re not spending enough time on that. On the giving.” So that’s the one area — and I’ve got multiple [unintelligible [00:29:04].29] fix-it situations… But I’m not involved in doing enough of that, and it’s definitely — not even on my bucket list, it’s on my action plan that needs to get done.

Joe Fairless: How can the Best Ever listeners learn more about what you’re doing?

Gary Boomershine: REIvault is probably the best. We’re at, but – there’s a lot of tools on there… I also have a podcast called Real Estate Investor Huddle. I’m on Instagram… And everything that we have is free. I don’t have any courses, or coaching. We have a service for a very specific, more experienced investor, but I love interacting with people and helping them. I get people hitting me up on messenger all the time, and I’m open to that.

Joe Fairless: A lot of life lessons, Gary, and I’m incredibly grateful that we had our conversation. The 5/10/3 rule – wake up at five, start working at ten, don’t do any work between five and ten in terms of business stuff, with the exception of that one thing that will move the marker today; I think that kind of is a business thing, or it could be… But then three hours of really hitting it hard and doing it…

You mentioned some things, almost in passing, that I wrote down, that I need to do. Have a family calendar – I think that is something that I will do. And then rewriting  your perfect day. Well, first off, if we have not written our perfect day – I have mine laminated ten years from now, and my wife did the same; we did that a year and a half ago… And it’s laminated next to our nightstand, so each of us have our perfect day for ten years from when we wrote it… But revisiting that, and seeing if there’s some updates that need to be made.

And then being so intentional about designing your life, and being surrounded by the right people, joining the masterminds… I’m glad we took the conversation that direction, to learn more about your thought process with why you joined the masterminds, how you qualify them, and then what you do to maximize your time with them.

Thanks so much for being on the show. I really enjoyed our conversation. I hope you have a best ever day, and we’ll talk to you again soon.

Gary Boomershine: Thanks, Joe. I love what you do, man, for the niche. Thank you for what you do.