Commercial Real Estate Podcast

JF2843: Generating Value from Distressed Properties ft. Ken Naim

Written by Joe Fairless | Jun 15, 2022 11:00:00 AM



Ken Naim originally studied to be a pharmacist, but after determining the career wasn’t for him, he quickly pivoted to IT. Before launching his IT career, Ken purchased his first property — a condo for his grandparents. Today, Ken is president of DB Performance, an IT consulting company, and the managing member of his real estate syndication company, Beacon One. In this episode, Ken shares the details about his first commercial property deal, why he invests across asset classes, and what drove him to do his first syndication this year. 


1. First Commercial Deal

Ken’s first commercial property was a 40,000 sq. ft. industrial warehouse in Sebastian, FL. “It was a screaming deal and it worked out immensely well,” he says. He purchased the dilapidated building at the height of the pandemic for 80% less than its appraisal. He was confident that he could create value, however, based on comparable properties in the area, and its proximity to the highway. After rehabbing the property, Ken sold it to a bicycle company for $2.6M — more than twice what he’d paid for it. 


2. Why He Invests Across Asset Classes

“I’m looking for value that I can create, and I don’t care what form it comes in,” Ken says. He targets physically distressed properties that he can rehab, as well as financially distressed properties where he can raise rents or lower expenses. For example, he is currently upgrading the fluorescent lights in an office building to LED. While it’s costing him $40K to do, the switch will save him $20K per year, creating approximately $250K in added value to the building. 


3. Transitioning to Syndication

Ken did his first syndication this year. Because he considers himself an introvert, he was apprehensive about raising capital. However, Ken realized his passion for real estate made the conversations much more pleasant than he anticipated. Although he has historically worked alone, Ken is also open to the idea of bringing on a partner to help with the work that comes with owning multiple properties. “I’m not saying I’m looking for a partner, but if a partnership were to come about, I would be for it,” he says. 


Ken Naim | Real Estate Background

  • President of DB Performance and managing member of Beacon One. DB Performance is an IT consulting company; Beacon One is a real estate syndication company.
  • Portfolio: Owner of
    • 37,000 sq. ft. office building
    • 25,000 sq. ft. industrial building syndication
    • 12,000 sq. ft. retail shopping center
  • Based in: Lake Worth, FL
  • Say hi to him at:
  • Greatest lesson: We all have negative experiences that create mental roadblocks; don’t let them become permanent limiters of your potential.


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Ash Patel: Hello, Best Ever listeners. Welcome to the Best Real Estate Investing Advice Ever Show. I'm Ash Patel and I'm with today's guest, Ken Naim. Ken is joining us from Lake Worth, Florida. He is the president of an IT consulting company and managing member of Beacon One, which is a real estate syndication company. Ken is the owner of a 37,000 sqft. office building, a 25,000 sqft. industrial building that's syndicated, and a 12,000 sqft. retail center. Ken, thank you for joining us and how are you today?

Ken Naim: Alright, how are you?

Ash Patel: Very well, Ken. Before we get started, can you give the Best Ever listeners a little bit more about your background and what you're focused on now?

Ken Naim: Sure. I grew up in New York City, and we moved around a little bit as a child, but I ended up back in New York, and I went to high school and college in New York. And I graduated as a pharmacist, of all things. I absolutely hated it, and I decided to go into IT instead. But before I went into IT, in that transition period, I also bought my first real estate investment, which was a condo for my grandparents. They were renting for over 30 years, and I decided that I want them to not worry about rent increases, not worry about if they have to move, or anything along those lines. So with no job and no money, I got my first condo that I bought.

Ash Patel: And you were probably living in an apartment?

Ken Naim: I was still living with my parents at the time.

Ash Patel: Wow, what a gracious move. Good for you. You've got to be like the family favorite person.

Ken Naim: Family comes first. That's what we're here for. Making money is second.

Ash Patel: I love it. Alright, Ken. Pharmacist to IT. You're still in IT, but somewhere along the lines, real estate came back at you. What happened?

Ken Naim: I didn't have any financial education growing up. Both of my parents were immigrants, so I had to learn everything the hard way. So I knew real estate was a good investment in the long term. I didn't realize that you can actually make really good money on it in the short term. So it was always the second choice for me. I looked into a bunch of other things first that I thought I can make money quickly, and they didn't turn out very well. We'll discuss some of that later, I'm sure.

So I bought multifamily, I bought single-family homes, and they did okay for a while. And then there was the 2008, 2009 crash, which put a dent in them. But I wasn't over-leveraged, so I really wasn't affected like a lot of other people. And eventually, I started to realize that residential is not really the way to go; that there are too many issues and too many factors affecting it. So I decided to sell off all my residential portfolio and move into commercial. And that's when I realized the real value of real estate, where you can really get rewarded for the effort that you put in. In residential, it's tied to what other people do, in commercial it's tied to what you do.

Ash Patel: What was your first commercial property?

Ken Naim: First commercial property was a 40,000 sqft. industrial warehouse in a little town called Sebastian, Florida. And I knew nothing about industrial. I took the leap because it was a screaming deal, and it worked out immensely well.

Ash Patel: Explain this to me, Ken... Nobody goes from single families to a 40,000 sqft. warehouse without having knowledge commercial real estate. How did you interpret this to be a screaming deal?

Ken Naim: This was a deal at the height of the pandemic, May of 2020. And another investor had bought it, and he had negotiated the hell out of the deal, because the seller was really, really desperate. But because of COVID, he was afraid that he couldn't actually work the deal. So he took a small profit, even though the property was appraised for almost 80% more than what I bought. It was worth over 100% more than what he bought, and that was in its dilapidated condition.

So I knew that if I rehabbed it and I was patient - which was hard during COVID, I'll admit - and I got the work done, which took twice as long than it needed to do, and probably was more expensive than it needed to be... But I knew that I could get much more than the appraised value at that time.

Ash Patel: What made you confident that you would be able to turn this around?

Ken Naim: Well, it was a 40,000 sqft. warehouse that I bought for $1.25 million. And on a price-per-square-foot basis, I knew that it was worth over $2 million compared to the other properties in the area. It was relatively close to the highway, and it was very close to the Space Coast, and I was hoping to get some kind of tech company in there that I knew could pay a lot. And we had a lot of interest, but nobody pulled the trigger on it because of COVID. We ended up getting a bicycle company in there, and we bought it for $1.225 million and we sold it for $2.6 million.

Ash Patel: And how it dilapidated was this?

Ken Naim: It was awful. I think we used 40 40 cubic yard containers to get rid of all the trash that was around the property and inside the warehouse. It was a 40-year-old building. The concrete parking lot around it was in awful shape. It looked like Mars, basically; craters and holes, and it was awful. We had to repave the whole thing. There were some roof leaks that needed to be taken care of...

Ash Patel: And you're giving me anxiety.

Ken Naim: Yes. I'm telling you, I took a hard money loan on it, so trust me, I was anxious the whole time, every month on it. But it had value, and I saw the value, and I saw the potential. The paint job alone added so much value to it because -- the paint job and the paving, those two items made it look practically brand new.

Ash Patel: Other than comps, was there any other positive news that gave you the confidence that this would be a good investment?

Ken Naim: The leasing price. My ultimate goal was to lease it, not to flip it. But the leasing value of $6-$9/foot would have made the cash on cash returns through the roof. They projected over 40% cash on cash on that one. So I realized that even if I got half of the going rate, I would still make a profit, and a decent profit. So I didn't see a lot of downside to it. I don't mind taking big risks as long as my downside is limited. Maybe I won't hit a grand slam, but I'll get a single worst case, and that's okay, too. You need singles in your portfolio.

Ash Patel: Okay, so your downside was essentially hedged. Well, now that you sold this, you've got a $1 million plus profit. What's next?

Ken Naim: After all the renovations and commissions, it was about $700,000 in profit. So that's when I took my investment plus the profit, and I started looking for another deal. It took me about six months to find it. I didn't do 1031, because I wanted to find another screaming deal and I wasn't going to be pigeonholed into finding a mediocre deal just because I had 45 days.

It took about six months and I found the Class A office building in Lake Mary, Florida, which was relatively in great shape. Almost no deferred maintenance. And they just had one vacancy, but the vacancy was for 5,800 sq. ft. And we bought it at a 6.8 cap when the markets probably high fives, low sixes. So it was a decent deal, but the key was, it was a 6.8 cap on existing NOI. So it's kind of like we bought that 14% for free. And once we rented that out for approximately $30 a foot, it's going to add another $180,000 to the NOI, which pretty much is going to double our investment. So even if it takes a year or two years to rent it out, it's still a good deal, but we're hoping to do it in six months or less.

Ash Patel: Ken, you're still working a full-time job, right?

Ken Naim: Yeah, pretty much.

Ash Patel: How do you find these deals?

Ken Naim: I look for rockstar brokers and build relationships with them. I haven't found many, but the ones that are rockstars - I don't know how they do it, but they get off-market deals all the time, for $500,000, for $5 million, $50 million... They get them at all different price points. And these properties can be distressed in many different ways. They usually have a lot of hair on them, for whatever reason... But if you're willing to take on the problems, and you're willing to deal with them, there's a lot of money to be made.

Ash Patel: Earlier, you mentioned you went through some try-to-get-rich-quick schemes. And we all do that when we're younger, that's why there's so many Robinhood accounts, so many Coinbase accounts; we want that easy money. What's an example of something you lost money on?

Ken Naim: I lost money on commodity trading, where supposedly you're hiring a professional to trade gold, or soybeans, or pork bellies, or whatever the commodity is. And they have these supposed systems and everything. And even if their system - there's flaws in it, and it just doesn't work, I've lost 70% of my investment in three months or less with some of these items. And I recommend - just don't invest in anything you don't understand.

There is taking a leap where you'll figure stuff out along the way, but I don't think anybody really understands commodity trading. Or Forex trading was another one I invested in. Oil and gas drilling. Some of them I'm sure are legitimate, but it's very hard to do due diligence on these types of things.

Ash Patel: I was just pitched a mineral rights land deal. They sent me a whole bunch of education material. I know nothing about that, and I don't want to sit there and read about it and learn about it... So yeah, stick to what you know. But speaking of which, you have industrial, office, and you also have a 12,000 sqft. retail center.

Ken Naim: But that one's still in contract.

Ash Patel: Okay. So you're-asset agnostic.

Ken Naim: Yeah. I'm looking for value that I can create. And I don't care what form it comes in. If the building is physically distressed, we'll go in and we'll rehab it, and get value that way. If it's financially distressed, we'll go in, raise rents, or lower expenses, depending where the value is.

The office building - we're upgrading fluorescent lights to LED lights. It's costing us $40,000 to do the project, it's going to save $20,000 a year. So that's a 50% return cash on cash. And even better, even at an eight cap, saving $40,000 is about a $250,000 in added value. So I'll trade $40,000 for $250,000 all day long.

Ash Patel: Ken, you're making some killer moves. Why do you still work a full-time job?

Ken Naim: Because I've been so focused on growing net worth that I haven't created passive income yet. So once I get to the point where I'm creating income and not focusing on net worth creation, then I'll leave the full-time job.

Ash Patel: Alright, let's dive into that. And Best Ever listeners, fair disclosure, Ken and I are in the same commercial mastermind together, and he is a good friend of mine. But, Ken, you mentioned passive income versus net worth - how do you differentiate the two?

Ken Naim: All the money that I've ever invested into anything, but particularly real estate, any profits that come out of it, I just use to grow the portfolio. So as far as I'm concerned, that's not even really my money. That's future me's money; so I need income to have current me and my family live our lives.

Ash Patel: Let me play devil's advocate. So if you make $700,000 on one of these deals, why not consider that income for X number of years? Sorry, why not take half of that and consider that income?

Ken Naim: Because I didn't feel comfortable enough that that would last forever. But once I sell this office building, the profits will be great enough that I can separate it in multiple buckets. I'll have one bucket that will be for value-add investing. I'll have one bucket for just pure income generation, and then I'll have enough that I'll just leave in cash that we can live off of for the next five years.

Ash Patel: Okay. And on that office building, Ken, 6.8 cap was your entry?

Ken Naim: Yes.

Ash Patel: What do you predict your exit will be?

Ken Naim: It depends how quickly I can get at least... I've gotten informal offers currently at high fives, low sixes. But if it takes too long and the market starts having more cap rate expansion, then we might be selling it at the high sixes, low sevens...

Ash Patel: How much NOI will you add on this property?

Ken Naim: $180,000. Maybe more [unintelligible 00:15:15.04]

Ash Patel: Okay. And what was the purchase price again?

Ken Naim: $7.5 million.

Ash Patel: Okay. Did you raise capital for that deal?

Ken Naim: Yeah. That was all me. That's one of the reasons. It took the two investment plans I had, and my savings, and pretty much all the cash I had. I was looking for a $5 million deal when I found the $7.5 million, and I didn't think it was going to work, but somehow got it done.

Ash Patel: Well, listen, I bet a lot of people thought that industrial building wasn't going to work...

Ken Naim: Everybody thought that. They thought it was all in my head.

Ash Patel: Okay. $180,000 divided by, let's say, a 7 cap, to be conservative. What does that come out to?

Ken Naim: Should be over $2 million, $2.5 million.

Ash Patel: Okay, so you added over $2.5 million in - what? A year, a year and a half?

Ken Naim: It's going to be hopefully nine months.

Ash Patel: Okay. That is a massive win. So one, I think you've got to quit your job.

Ken Naim: Once this does, I will. I'm planning on it by the end of the year.

Break: [00:16:20] - [00:18:08]

Ash Patel: You seem to be onto something with finding these undervalued commercial properties. Why not take on investor capital?

Ken Naim: I'm starting to do that. I did my first syndication this year. And, in the beginning -- I'm an introvert by nature, and doing all the capital raising wasn't something I was really looking forward to. But once I started talking to people and they find out how passionate I am about real estate, it comes naturally. So I was scared of it, I guess, or I don't know if scared is the word... Or apprehensive about it, but it turns out it's not that bad. There's a lot of capital out there, and people are always looking for great deals. So it's definitely a path that I'm pursuing now.

Ash Patel: And would you consider partnering with somebody? If you don't love the capital raising part, why not consider having a partner who adds value by raising capital, maybe managing the asset, or other avenues?

Ken Naim: In the past, I was very apprehensive about partners. I've seen so many partnerships fail, and I've seen people that were very untrustworthy. But in the last six months or so, I've started to meet a lot of people who I feel are trustworthy and would be a good fit for a partnership. So it's definitely something I'm considering.

And I don't mind the capital raising now, but there's just so much to do, especially when you have multiple properties between managing the properties and talking to agents, and finding the deals, and dealing with insurance, and leasing, and signs, and pretty much the entire process. So I'm not saying that I'm looking for a partner, but if my partnership were to come about. I would be for it.

Ash Patel: Yeah, I've heard Joe Fairless a number of times say, "If you really want to scale, get a partner." And for 10 years, I was a one-man shop and really started scaling when I started working with other people. So yeah, I think...

Ken Naim: I've been a one-man shop for 25 years now. And it's good, because you know who to blame when something goes wrong. When something doesn't get done, or what it it is; there's no miscommunication. But it does limit your potential.

Ash Patel: Yeah. Listen, when I was a one-man shop, I still passed the buck, even though it was me. [laughs] Ken, what's the hardest lesson you've learned in real estate investing?

Ken Naim: Yo'veu got to do your due diligence and you've got to do it in detail. And don't skip a step because the broker told you this, or the city told you that. Get everything in black and white, and crunch your numbers, and make sure the numbers work, and make sure that they work even in a scenario where not everything works out. Like you say, "If everything works, I'll have a home run." But make sure that even if doesn't completely work and it's only half of your expectations, it's still a decent deal.

Ash Patel: Yeah. Ken, raising money - it seems like everyone's raising money for multifamily. Investors are familiar with that asset class. When you raise for office/industrial/retail, what are the challenges with investors think there's a retail apocalypse coming, office space is dying... How do you get through to some of those challenges?

Ken Naim: Some people - they're just not going to get it. Their mindset is fixed, and they're just not open to it, so I just don't bother with those people. With people that have at least an open mind, I just show them the numbers, I show them the facts, I try not to invest in any place that has declining population, or declining income...

So once you have a good location and you have an asset that's undervalued, usually people recognize that they need it. And those two things are two of the basic things for a successful deal. Something that's undervalued and in a good area. I try not to deal with anything in war zones, or anything where we might have some external factor all of a sudden just wipe out the entire plan.

Ash Patel: Ken, you've got some massive returns. What kind of returns do your investors see?

Ken Naim: On my first syndication, I'm projecting a minimum 30% return to the investors.

Ash Patel: Over what period of time?

Ken Naim: Nine months.

Ash Patel: Wow.

Ken Naim: And probably it's going to go higher, probably 50% to 60%. But I don't really tell them that, because I tell them 30% and it comes down to 40%; they're thrilled. If I tell them 50% and it comes out to 40%, they're sad.

Ash Patel: I love that; it's a win-win for everybody. Would you consider doing a waterfall in the future, to reap more of the benefit?

Ken Naim: It is sort of a waterfall. There's an 8% pref, and it's a 50/50 split after that.

Ash Patel: Would you take it a step further?

Ken Naim: Sorry, 12% pref and a 50/50 afterwards.

Ash Patel: Okay. Would you take it a step further and tell the investors anything over 20% becomes 80/20, 70/30, favor to the GP?

Ken Naim: Yeah. Like I said, this was my first indication, and I was just really testing the waters and trying to figure out the whole process, the legal process, the investor process, raising capital... And again, I'm doing this all by myself, so there was a lot of learning. I put no fees and there, no acquisition or disposition or management fee or anything like that, which - since then, I've learned that there is some value in having that. You don't want to do it excessively, but there are some costs that needs to be covered.

Ash Patel: Where do you find potential investors for your deal?

Ken Naim: I've joined basically two masterminds so far. One specializing in commercial real estate and one just in general, with other high net-worth individuals. And pretty much in both of those groups, everybody's investing in something. And a lot of it is real estate, a lot of it is multifamily, some commercial, some triple net, some others, but they also invest in other items. And people are always looking for good deals, regardless of what the asset class is. And they're looking for trustworthy and vetted operators. A lot of times people don't invest in your deal, they invest in you. So they might not understand industrial warehouses, or manufacturing facilities, but they learn to say, "Oh, Ken knows this. So I'm not investing in his deal, I'm investing in him." They trust you to make the right choice.

Ash Patel: That's a great point. Yeah. Ken, can you talk about your 12,000 sqft. retail center that's under contract?

Ken Naim: Yes. It's under contract for $5.5 million right now. It's in an A-plus location down here in Florida, about half an hour from my house, so it's really close by. One of the tenants went through bankruptcy about nine years ago, and they renegotiated [unintelligible 00:25:12.28] at the time, so it will only be $12, $13 a square foot. I'm actually waiting on the lease right now, they're having trouble finding it. But the market rents over there are closer to $33 a square foot, and the average time on market is less than 30 days to rent it out.

So either we get them to come up to market when their lease renews in 18 months; hopefully, we'll negotiate that during due diligence. But as a worst-case scenario, even if it does go vacant in 18 months, six months before that we would advertising heavily and get it up to market.

Ash Patel: How many tenants are in the strip?

Ken Naim: Six tenants in the strip. And we have other good tenants there, too. We have dental offices, and a brand-name massage parlor, and a couple of other brand-name tenants. There's one tobacco shop, that's the only mom-and-pop tenant in there. None of the other ones are [unintelligible 00:26:08.08]

Ash Patel: Okay, so a mixture of mom and pop, regional, and one national tenant?

Ken Naim: Correct.

Ash Patel: Is there any other value-add other than the tenant who is paying a really low rent?

Ken Naim: There's one other tenant that doesn't have a lease that has wanted to lease. And we've just got to sign the lease. And maybe we are able to raise the rent a little bit.

Ash Patel: And that's a mom and pop operator?

Ken Naim: Yes, that is a mom and pop. They're all triple net leases, even the mom and pop. So the expense side is almost zero.

Ash Patel: Can you explain that to the Best Ever listeners? You're buying a strip center with six tenants, and it's all triple net leases. What does that mean?

Ken Naim: So a triple net lease is where the owner passes on the expense of maintaining the property onto the tenants. So they're responsible for paying the property taxes, insurance, maintenance. And depending on how the leases are written, it specifies exactly what they're responsible for and what the owner is, but in a true triple net lease, the tenants are responsible for everything. So everything from the roof maintenance to HVAC repairs or replacement, to structure, insurance taxes, electric, water... Everything. Property taxes - usually the owner will pay it in this multi-tenant scenario. So let's say it's $50,000 and you have five tenants and they're all the same size, they would each send you a check for $10,000, and then you pay the property taxes on it.

And basically, you estimate the values in the beginning of the year. Usually, you add it on to their rent as a CAM charge. We usually break out our CAM charges into different categories, so it's easy for them to see, and they just pay to you every month. And at the end of the year, you figure out what your actuals were, versus the estimate, and you reconcile it. So if they've underpaid, you send them a bill for the difference. If you've overpaid, you give him a credit towards the next month's payment. Then you estimate the next year.

Ash Patel: Ken, what about the big-ticket items like commercial HVAC units or the roof? How does that get handled?

Ken Naim: If it's a big item, then you would have to amortize that into their payments. So if you replace the roof and it's a 50-year roof, you would have to budget it out and they would pay a certain percentage of that each year towards the roof replacement, or HVAC replacement. It's a little trickier, and that's where you have to make sure that you still have the finances for it.

Like, with this LED project that we're doing, it's going to reduce the electric bill considerably, so the tenants would save money, but based on our lease, we're allowed to bill them back up to what the cost would have been before the project, until the project gets paid off. Because we're not going to see the benefit, but they're going to see the benefit eventually.

Ash Patel: Let's say you put a $250,000 into roof and HVAC, and a tenant leaves. They're off the hook for that expense. What happens with the next tenant that comes in? Do they inherit that debt?

Ken Naim: Actually, I've never dealt with that scenario. Never really thought about it. But I believe that gets valued into the lease at that point, and this all depends on how you negotiate. That's the nice thing about commercial, everything is negotiable.

Ash Patel: Yeah, so I haven't thought about that either. I was literally thinking out loud. And I would assume that's a selling point for your next lease, saying, "Hey, tenant. Just so you know, we have a brand new HVAC, brand new roof, so there's not going to be an assessment for X number of years. So just take comfort in the fact that you're not going to get hit with that."

Ken Naim: Yeah.

Ash Patel: Yeah. I haven't thought of that either, but it makes sense.

Ken Naim: If you're doing a triple net lease and the roof is in bad shape, as a tenant in a situation like that, I would have to value that in, because I know an assessment is coming. But with no assessment, and on my office building I'm working on getting the warranty of the roof transferred over, and we're going to have a 20-year warranty on our roof. I think that adds a lot of value to the tenants, because they know that parts and labor included, so there'll be no roof maintenance for at least another 16 years on it.

Ash Patel: Yeah, and I guess it's no different than if you're buying a high-rise condo. You're going to want to know the condition of the roof, you'll be able to tell the condition of the exterior. If the hallways are still '70s decor, you probably can assume that they're going to have an assessment to update everything.

Ken Naim: Yeah. A lot of HOAs are that way, too. The clubhouse is 30 years old. Guess what? It's going to be a multimillion-dollar assessment.

Ash Patel: It can hit anytime.

Ken Naim: Yeah.

Ash Patel: Yeah. Good to know. So Ken, what is your best real estate investing advice ever?

Ken Naim: Best real estate advice is invest in what you know, in what you can influence directly. There are a lot of things that you can invest in where you have no say whatsoever. And commercial real estate, it's one of those places where if you put in the hustle and you put in the effort, you can get rewarded greatly for it. For a lot of other things, you're just putting in money and hoping that the operator does well. So if you're going to invest passively, make sure that your operator knows what they're doing, and they've done it before, and they can create value, not just buying a stock and hoping the market recognizes that it's worth more tomorrow than it was today.

Ash Patel: Good advice. Ken, are you ready for the Best Ever lightning round?

Ken Naim: I think so.

Ash Patel: Alright, Ken, what's the Best Ever book you recently read?

Ken Naim: Catching Knives by Jake Harris. It talks about buying commercial real estate in depressions, whether localized or national, and it really has some good tips in there.

Ash Patel: Ken, what's the Best Ever way you like to give back?

Ken Naim: There are two charities that my wife and I support. One is BRCAStrong. They help women going through mastectomies, either due to cancer or prophylactically. And one of the things that we really like about them is not only do they support the patient that's going through this, but they also support the caregivers, who a lot of times get forgotten in the process.

And the second one is a charity that supports donkeys and horses that were abused, and they take them in and get them adopted to vetted homeowners. And then these animals get used for therapy. It's called the Serenity Saviors Equine Reserve & Therapy Center. And they're really good people. We've met them personally, and they're just wonderful.

Ash Patel: Awesome. And Ken, how can the Best Ever listeners reach out to you?

Ken Naim: Just email me at It's the company I use for the office building. And just feel free to reach out. I'm happy to answer your questions.

Ash Patel: And that was beacon with a B,

Ken Naim:

Ash Patel: Awesome. Ken, thank you for your time today...

Ken Naim: My pleasure.

Ash Patel: ...sharing your journey from becoming a pharmacist, pivoting to going into IT. You bought your first piece of real estate for your grandparents, an amazing move. You've been in real estate for a number of years. You're making some incredible moves, home run numbers, taking on investors. Can't wait to see what's next for you, Ken. Thank you again.

Ken Naim: Thank you. My pleasure.

Ash Patel: Best Ever listeners. Thank you for joining us. If you enjoyed this episode, please leave us a five-star review. Share the podcast with someone you think can benefit from it. Also, follow, subscribe, and have a Best Ever day.

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This website, including the podcasts and other content herein, are made available by Joesta PF LLC solely for informational purposes. The information, statements, comments, views and opinions expressed in this website do not constitute and should not be construed as an offer to buy or sell any securities or to make or consider any investment or course of action. Neither Joe Fairless nor Joesta PF LLC are providing or undertaking to provide any financial, economic, legal, accounting, tax or other advice in or by virtue of this website. The information, statements, comments, views and opinions provided in this website are general in nature, and such information, statements, comments, views and opinions are not intended to be and should not be construed as the provision of investment advice by Joe Fairless or Joesta PF LLC to that listener or generally, and do not result in any listener being considered a client or customer of Joe Fairless or Joesta PF LLC.

The information, statements, comments, views, and opinions expressed or provided in this website (including by speakers who are not officers, employees, or agents of Joe Fairless or Joesta PF LLC) are not necessarily those of Joe Fairless or Joesta PF LLC, and may not be current. Neither Joe Fairless nor Joesta PF LLC make any representation or warranty as to the accuracy or completeness of any of the information, statements, comments, views or opinions contained in this website, and any liability therefor (including in respect of direct, indirect or consequential loss or damage of any kind whatsoever) is expressly disclaimed. Neither Joe Fairless nor Joesta PF LLC undertake any obligation whatsoever to provide any form of update, amendment, change or correction to any of the information, statements, comments, views or opinions set forth in this podcast.

No part of this podcast may, without Joesta PF LLC’s prior written consent, be reproduced, redistributed, published, copied or duplicated in any form, by any means. 

Joe Fairless serves as director of investor relations with Ashcroft Capital, a real estate investment firm. Ashcroft Capital is not affiliated with Joesta PF LLC or this website, and is not responsible for any of the content herein.

Oral Disclaimer

The views and opinions expressed in this podcast are provided for informational purposes only, and should not be construed as an offer to buy or sell any securities or to make or consider any investment or course of action. For more information, go to